Monday, April 27, 2009

Alarm Clock Cherry Painters

I awoke this morning to the beeping sounds of what seemed to be someone else's alarm clock. It wasn't mine. The blasting beeping sleep-killer came through the brick wall and aroused me from my slumber. Ugh, It was not someone's alarm clock though. I could not go back to my comfortable haven of rest because it was a continuous noise that was not going to stop. The sound was none other than the alarming, and annoying, cry of a cherry picker. The maintenance staff was repainting the side of our dorm's roof today and they started at 8am. Which, to me, is an offensively early hour of the morning.
If that wasn't enough, when I returned to my room several times throughout the day to do work... they were still painting and that danged cherry picker was still beeping away as loud as can be. Why can they not paint on the weekends? Or better yet, why cant they just use ladders like painters used to do. A cherry picker? really?
I guess the worst part of the whole thing is that I can see that they have not finished the painting... and they left the cherry picker here. That could only mean one thing... they will be back tomorrow. Damn cherry painters.

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